Tear Aid Type A Repair Patch
Has your CNOC Vecto strung a leak?
There is no such thing as indestructible gear - the closest you can get is repairable gear. The CNOC Vectos are designed with durable TPU, but the life of outdoor gear is not an easy one, and every piece of gear is susceptible to wear and tear in harsh conditions, or even just with enough use over time.
At Cnoc, we always want you to repair your products before buying new ones - it allows you to get the full value of our products and prevents gear from ending up in a landfill before its time.
The most common issue you’ll come across over the course of a Vecto’s lifespan is a pinhole or small tear - luckily, it’s also one of the simplest repairs to do at home or in the field. We recommend the Tear Aid Type A Patch to repair a leaky Vecto. They are available on our site, and it’s always a good idea to keep one in your emergency kit - they weigh almost nothing and can be used to fix more than one type of backpacking gear failure.
Each TEAR-AID® Repair Patch is made from an exceptionally tough, matte finish, abrasion resistant elastomer that resists puncture and tearing. This is combined with an aggressive adhesive formulated for high bond strength. Tear-Aid expands absorbing force on impact and always returns to original shape and size. This flexibility allows the patch to conform to irregular surfaces without restricting the movement of the repaired material.
Type-A patches are excellent for repairing not only all of our TPU products (Vectos, Vesicas, Bucs) but the rest of your gear, too: keep a patch or two in your repair/emergency/first-aid kit to fix waterproof fabrics, shelters, sleeping pads, quilts/sleeping-bags, and more!
To use:
Clean the surface you want to repair with soapy water or rubbing alcohol. Dry completely. Cut the corners of your patch into a rounded shape and press firmly onto the hole. Stretch the edges of the patch to seal, avoid creasing or bubbles under the patch.