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mitchell river overnight hike report

Mitchell River Overnight Hike

The Mitchell River National Park holds a rich cultural aboriginal history which tells stories of conflict between tribes, ceremonies, food gathering, community life and spirits that inhabit the area.

The 21-kilometre Grade 4 trail that has everything from beautiful rainforest gullies to stunning views from its various lookout points. It's usually hiked as a one way trail over 3 days but I had only one night up my sleeve.

I asked my brother to come along, it was his first overnight hike and he had absolutely no gear. So I loaded everything into their dry bags, grabbed some dehydrated meals and shoved everything into 2 packs.

We started at The Den Of Nargun and walked to Billy Goat Bend. Legend has it a fierce being, half human and half stone lives in the Den of Nargun. Stories were told around campfires about how the Nargun would abduct children who wandered off on their own. The Nargun could not be harmed with boomerang or spears.  These stories served the dual purpose of keeping children close to the their parents and people stayed away from the scared cave.

den of nargun    den of nargun

Take a look at our video to see how we went.

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